Friday, December 30, 2011

gallstones diet, good nutrition is the secret of healing

A good homemade recipe to remove the gallstones is treatment with castor oil and mineral water.

Throughout the day, take only mineral water, 100 ml per hour. This will allow the bladder to relax infamação and reducing pain. At night, take 25 ml of oil ríccino that easily found in stores that sell natural products.

Before bedtime, take one cup of lettuce leaves.

The next day start the normal diet but without the presence and fatty foods like cheese, milk, eggs, etc. Wait for the reaction of organisnismo to sleep whenever possible.

Adopt a natural diet consists of fresh salads and fresh frurtas is always a great attitude to prevent future crises.

Be careful, because gallstones can cause infection in the liver and jaundice.

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