Saturday, January 2, 2010

symptoms gallbladder

Generally, the stones may cause no symptoms, so that the individual can not imagine having this problem. Symptoms arise mainly when there is inflammation of the gallbladder or when the calculation is migrating to channels that lead to bile.

In the case of migration of the calculations, they end up blocking the channels, because these are very narrow. Thus, the pressure within the bladder distention occurs and increases (as it increased in size very quickly), leading to the most characteristic symptom: the so-called biliary colic. This pain occurs in the region of the pit of the stomach, "is increasing in intensity and is to be located more to the right side of the abdomen. A person can also tell that he feels pain in his right shoulder or back. In cases without complications, lasts up to one hour. Can be triggered after high fat meal, meal or when the patient is fed after a long period of fasting.

Nausea and vomiting may occur when the pain reaches maximum intensity. A fever occurs when there is inflammation of the gallbladder or channels. If the fever is high and be accompanied by chills, indicates a bacterial infection, a condition called cholangitis.

When the calculation block the drainage channel of the bile, the patient may have jaundice (yellowing), ie, get the skin and white portion of the eyes yellowish. This is because the bile is a parade in the gallbladder and bilirubin (yellow pigment present in the bile) is being absorbed and passes into the sanguiínea. In these situations, urine may be dark (brown) and pale stools.

Please note that it is still adviseable to consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis. People can go for years with digestive symptoms and never realize that they may be related to a gallbladder problem. That's because they are so inter-related with other digestive symptoms. Constipation is one of the most commonly missed ones.

The first four mentioned I feel are most indicative of gallbladder issues. It is not necessary to have all or many symptoms to have gallbladder problems but the more you have from this list, the more confirmation you have that the gallbladder is involved. Please note that it is still adviseable to consult your doctor for an accurate diagnosis.

To get a clearer picture of the causes of gall bladder symptoms check out risk factors for gallbladder disease.
* Pain or tenderness under the rib cage on the right side
* Pain between shoulder blades
* Stools light or chalky colored
* Indigestion after eating, especially fatty or greasy foods
* Nausea
* Dizziness
* Bloating
* Gas
* Burping or belching
* Feeling of fullness or food not digesting
* Diarrhea (or alternating from soft to watery)
* Constipation
* Headache over eyes, especially right
* Bitter fluid comes up after eating
* Frequent use of laxatives


Please note that if you are in severe pain and particularly if your attack symptoms are accompanied by fever DO SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. The following symptoms are typical of a gallbladder attack.

* Moderate to severe pain under the right side of the rib cage
* Pain may radiate through to the back or to the right shoulder
* Severe upper abdominal pain (biliary colic)
* Nausea
* Queasiness
* Vomiting
* Gas
* Burping or belching
* Attacks are often at night
* Attacks often occur after overeating
* Pain will often but not always follow a meal with fats or grease
* Pain may be worse with deep inhalation
* Attacks can last from 15 minutes to 15 hours


  1. Hi Sara, how are youn ?

  2. Help ! I have two stones in the gallbladder and has delayed surgery through SUS. I feel great pain in her stomach and back, very sick and will vomit and pain that often appear as something qdo and last a long time, there are a couple of days spent whole night in great pain and I do not control and I end up crying very angry with pain when the pain goes across my back is hurting like you are tired of so much pain

  3. i have 22 years and more or less 2meses have found q such thing as gallstones, went w / a lot of pain in the abdomen and back, went to the doctor he gave me the test and was positive, and also gave me vei serum in c / buscopam, not because I had enough of pain and has not felt the pain after all, but if I'm lying in a position so I feel very uncomfortable, I also wonder oq can detalhadamente.apesar EOQ can not eat all that I'll be f q good eq will not need to operate on me, and both q already did not take but still show the doctor and when I'll ask him to show me q pass another test, because my God is faithful and he and the medical doctor and he I believe all healing.
